Diamond Jewlery NY address, phone, hours of operation, and more. Whether you are a new customer or one of our many satisfied customers, you will find a large selection of the latest styles in diamond and gold jewelry. Our aim is to provide you with the finest craftsmanship, quality, value and service.
As you browse through this website, we are confident that you will be surprised at the wide selection we have presented to you. You will be most satisfied with the relationship you will start with DiamondJewelryNY.com, because we are committed to our customers satisfaction and aim to deliver the very best.
DiamondJewelryNY.com is a subsidiary of Nyman Jewelers, LLC which has been in jewelry business more than 30 years, which makes us pioneers in many areas; such as new lines, quality service and personalized attention.
It is all about convenience at DiamondJewelryNY.com; be it a special order or a hard-to-find item or a service on a previous sale, we would like to see things run smoothly. We are committed to work with you to the best of our ability so you can be delivered the service and attention you deserve. We are aware of the advantages and the disadvantages of online shopping alike. We will service our shoppers as we would like to be serviced while shopping online.
We like to see you as a part of our family rather than merely customers.
Address: 66 West 47 Street, New York, NY 10036
Phone: (201) 562-3299
Fax: (212) 764-6438
Website: http://diamondjewelryny.com/
Email: info@diamondjewelryny.com
Mon – Tue 9:30 am – 5:00 pm
Wed 9:30 am – 5:30 pm
Thu – Fri 9:30 am – 5:00 pm