Buckeye Pawn Shop Columbus, OH

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Buckeye Pawn Shop

Buckeye Pawn Shop address, phone, website, hours of operation, and more. Buckeye Pawn Shop Inc. was founded in late 1988 and opened its first pawnshop in Southwestern Columbus at 1801 Harrisburg Pike on February 9, 1989. The owners together have built a highly respected pawn loan and merchandise sales business. Our company currently has four traditional pawnshops located in Columbus and South Bloomfield and one auto pawn facility located at 1560 Harrisburg Pike. We provide pawn loans directly to individuals who pledge personal property such as jewelry, vehicles, musical instruments, tools, televisions and stereos, computers and other miscellaneous items of sufficient value to secure the full repayment of the pawn loans plus accrued service charges (interest and storage fees). Our company also sells merchandise in its pawnshops and vehicles at its auto pawn facility which has been forfeited in connection with its pawn lending operations.


Address: 1801 Harrisburg Pike, Columbus, OH 43223

Phone: (614) 276-7500

Website: http://www.buckeyepawnshop.com


Mon – Fri 9:00 am – 5:30 pm

Sat 10:00 am – 4:00 pm