South Austin Coin Exchange address, phone, website, hours of operation, and more. South Austin Coin Exchange was opened in 2010 by Bradley Goldsmith, it has become the newest and most reputable coin shop amid 80 years of combined numismatic experience in the family business. SACE is committed to providing quality service to the community; Bradley believes that a reputation as an honest and reliable coin shop is the recipe for success. While others seek to profit by cutting corners or being dishonest to customers, he believes that a good reputation and reliable service will reap bigger profits in the long run. Through being trustworthy, Bradley will have a long-term profitable business that in return serves the community.
South Austin Coin Exchange is committed to providing excellent service and paying top dollar for coins. A question you may ask yourself could be, how can they pay so close to market on my coins? The answer is simple, when selling coins to South Austin Coin Exchange a handful of retail customers and buyers are available at the other end to purchase the coins sold. If you have better gold and silver coins and are looking to make a fast exit from the rare coin market, shipping your coins to Bradley Goldsmith and his company for a fast, usually same day offer would be in your best favor.
Address: 3100 W Slaughter Ln # A104, Austin, TX 78748
Phone: (512) 233-4653
Website: http://www.southaustincoinexchange.com
Hours: Mon – Fri 10:00 am – 4:00 pm