Adelanto Pawn Shop address, phone, website, hours of operation, and more. Stop holding on to old, broken pieces of gold or silver jewelry, and bring them to Adelanto Pawn Shop. We’ll give you the best market value for your gold, silver, and vintage jewelry. For your convenience, you can also take out a loan for your gold and silver jewelry to get you through the week.
From purchasing jewelry to selling an assortment of items, our local pawn shop in San Bernardino, California, is the place to go to find the highest market value for gold, silver, and more. Specializing in gold purchases, Adelanto Pawn Shop also offers loans. We’ll also purchase any items that you are looking to sell.
Address: 685 W Base Line St, San Bernardino, CA 92410
Phone: (909) 884-0855
Website: http://www.adelantopawnshop.net
Email: apawn@verizon.net
Hours: Mon – Sun Open 24 Hours