NKA Numismatics address, phone, website, and more. NKA Numismatics is your source for world coins, world currency, U.S. coins, U.S. currency, proof sets, mint sets, foreign exchange, confidential bullion transactions and more! And sometimes stamps!
We are eBay powersellers with 15 years of internet sales experience and over 8000 transactions with customers who know we do it right! We buy, sell and appraise….and we enjoy helping people with their coin, currency and stamp needs. Click on the eBay logo to the left to see our current auctions. And don’t forget to check out our online store NKAcoins.com.
Norman has 50+ years of coin collecting experience and has been an active coin and currency dealer for four decades. Please feel free to browse our website and click on “contact us” to send us an e-mail with your specific questions and needs. We look forward to serving you!
Address: 9648 Olive Blvd. #379, St. Louis, MO 63132
Phone: (314) 993-3380
Website: http://www.nkanumismatics.com
Email: nkacoins@gmail.com