San Carlos Street Antiques San Jose, CA

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San Carlos Street Antiques

San Carlos Street Antiques address, phone, website, hours of operation, and more. San Carlos Street Antiques has been in business since 1995; we are a family run business. We relocated after 10 years from the corner of W. San Carlos Street and Meridian Ave. to 411 Meridian Ave. (a few blocks south) into a cute white Spanish style house.

From the outside it looks small but it is a large, narrow lot that is filled with wonderful items. There are 2 buildings in the backyard that are also filled with furniture, old hardware, and other rare finds.


Address: 411 Meridian Ave, San Jose, CA 95126

Phone: (408) 293-8105




Mon – Fri 11:00 am – 3:00 pm

Sat – Sun Closed