Society Hill Money Loan Inc address, phone, website, hours of operation, and more. Need a bit of cash? Band equipment? A money order? Society Hill Money Loan Inc. is the oldest full-service pawn shop in Philadelphia, offering traditional collateral loans plus check cashing and bill paying services. We also have a huge selection of second hand but high quality jewelry, musical instruments, sports equipment, and electronics. Family-owned and operated since 1929, we pride ourselves on being customer (rather than commission) oriented. Our staff will answer all your questions about MoneyGrams, the pawn process, and bill payments, and will assist you in finding that perfect piece of jewelry or Fender precision bass. We buy anything of value, making it easy to turn unwanted goods into much needed cash.
Address: 645 South St, Philadelphia, PA 19147
Phone: (215) 392-2603
Website: http://societyhillmoneyloan.com
Email: heidiheidi00@aol.com
Hours: Mon – Sat 9:00 am – 4:30 pm