Russell Glenn Coin Consulting and Numismatic Appraisals address, phone, website, hours of operation, and more. A longtime collector and student of history and numismatics, Russell has appraised a wide variety of sets, ranging from extensively curated personal collections being prepared for auction to small inherited newly received by a family member eager to learn their value. Unlike coin shops or public “shows”, which lure customers in with offers of “free appraisals” in search of opportunities to make a purchase below market value, Russell Glenn, does not appraise with intent to purchase. For $15 an hour, coins are appraised at “fair market” (retail, often used for insurance purposes or for individuals seeking to sell coins through retail outlets) and/or “wholesale” values (predictions of prices offered by local or national coin dealers).
Address: Madison, WI 53705
Phone: (608) 622-7335
Website: http://www.icoinhub.com
Email: cannoncoins@gmail.com
Hours: Appointments Available