DSS Coin and Bullion Omaha, NE

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DSS Coin and Bullion

DSS Coin and Bullion address, phone, website, and more.

David Schroeder started DSS Coin and Buliion in 2001 in Omaha, NE. He saw the expanding coin market beginning with the developement of eBay and the Internet. He understood that these sales techniques would allow coin dealers, like himself, to reach new markets all over the world. He stayed true to his roots, loving the basics of coin collecting; selling well graded “collector coins”.

In 2012 the newest DSS location was born in West Omaha.  Fondly known as DSS West the new location has a large selection of jewelry, watches and collectibles.  On any given day you may find David bouncing between downtown and the west location or at coin shows across the US.  If you ask David what he loves, he will first say his children and then it’s copper, of course.


Address: 1906 S 13th St, Omaha, NE 68108

Phone: (402) 342-9153

Fax: (402) 614-5101

Website: http://www.dsscoinandbullion.com

Email: orders@dsscoinandbullion.com