Seacoast Coin & Jewelry address, phone, website, hours of operation, and more. Seacoast Coin & Jewelry in Hampton, New Hampshire is a well-respected PCGS and NGC coin dealer, and has been earning the trust of thousands of Seacoast NH, Maine, and Massachusetts customers for over 30 years.
American Prospector Treasure Seeker address, phone, website, and more. American Prospector Treasure Seeker provides gold mining equipment, metal detectors & supplies throughout the United States. Our mission is to educate the general public on the techniques of gold panning, gold mining, sluicing for gold, drywashing for gold, and metal detecting, relic hunting. We appreciate your interest and encourage you to consider becoming members of the GPAA and local GPAA chapter clubs.
In addition to the wide selection of gold prospecting equipment, gem prospecting supplies and metal detectors you can also join us on our gold prospecting, sluicing, drywashing and treasure hunting, metal detecting outings. Want some pointers? Join our outings and enjoy the company and benefit of the experience and knowledge you can gain being out with other prospectors and treasure seekers! All ages and experience levels welcome.
Address: 28900 Old Town Front St # 101, Temecula, CA 92590