Tag Archives: Laguna Beach

Tangible Investments Laguna Beach, CA

tangibleinvestmentsincTangible Investments address, phone, website, hours of operation, and more.

Dear Concerned Investor:

My name is Silvano DiGenova and I have been involved in the rare coin and precious metals business for over 40 years. I’m a self-made man who at a young age took hold of the American dream by turning my passion into my business. I have made my fortune by assisting others in profiting in coins and precious metals, and wish to share my expertise with others.

I was fundamental in two dramatic changes that greatly assisted investor’s, certified grading and electronic trading of coins and precious metals. (Co-founder of both the Professional Coin Grading Service and Certified Coin Exchange). I have shown thousands of investor’s ways to profit. My recommendations, unlike most in our field, have not always been BUY recommendations but often SELL recommendations. I have been a guardian of my clients’ money, and tied my fortune to their gains. In 1999 we strongly recommended selling pre-1964 junk silver coin when the premiums reached 100%. We had countless individuals switch to 100 oz. bars when the hysteria dictated they needed “Barter Money”. Our clients doubled their silver position and profited hugely!!

Today many are investing in stocks like Amazon and Facebook that trade at PE’s of 600 and 116 respectively. These are pre- “dot.com” bubble multiples. The Fed is printing money like never before. Our National Debt has tripled since 2000 and now tops $17 Trillion, a number so large virtually no one can comprehend it.

Our Debt is greater than the GDP of all the European Union countries combined. That’s England, Germany, France, Italy, Spain…, and twenty-three more countries.
When the “smart money” like Hedge Fund managers and billionaire investors are diversifying into gold, and when countries like China, India and OPEC nations are hoarding the precious metal, is it not time to take a closer look?

Many consumers have nearly all of their investments in paper assets such as stocks and money market funds (I personally also have some of these types of assets). However in today’s environment diversification is not only wise but essential. In the pages that follow we will illustrate that the stock market has frequent and severe corrections. It is precisely during these times that gold and tangibles are the saving grace. Tangibles even out the fluctuations and provide insurance against such turmoil. We at Tangible Investments specialize in these hard assets. We can provide you with tax free exchange into gold and precious metals IRAS. We can offer you pre-1933 U.S. gold for direct delivery, which offers private portable and liquid diversification for your portfolio. We have sold some of the greatest American rarities which have performed astronomically. We are here to serve you and our experienced staff is always available.

Silvano DiGenova
Tangible Investments

Address: 1910 S Coast Hwy, Laguna Beach, CA 92651

Phone: (949) 715-5333

Website: https://tangibleinvestmentsinc.com/

Email: info@tii1.com

Hours of Operation:
Monday – Friday   10:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday   10:00am – 4:00pm
Sunday   Closed