Jarvis Gems and Jewelry Appraisals address, phone, website, and more. Jarvis Gems and Jewelry Appraisals is an independent diamond, jewelry, and fine watch appraisal service providing clients in the Dallas/Fort Worth (DFW) and the Charlotte Mecklenburg area excellent quality, and up-to-date appraisals.
Jarvis Gems and Jewelry Appraisals specializes in jewelry appraisals for reasons such as insurance scheduling, estate distribution, charitable donations, casualty loss, quality confirmation, and sale advice.
Address: 5550 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy Suite 520, Dallas, TX 75240
Phone: (972) 851-0009
Fax: (972) 851-0001
Website: http://www.dallasjewelryappraisals.com
Email: swjarvis@dallasjewleryappraisals.com