William S. Nacol Jewelry Lafayette, LA

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William S. Nacol Jewelry
William S. Nacol Jewelry

William S. Nacol Jewelry address, phone, website, and more. William S. Nacol Jewelry is a family owned and operated store. Mr. Nacol and his wife are in the store everyday to assist you with all your jewelry and giftware needs. The employees that are in the store are like family as they have been with Nacol’s Jewelry for over 20 years. In 1998, two of the children and their spouses joined the family business. In 2008, the youngest of the children has decided to join the family business.


Address: 3802 Johnston St, Lafayette, LA 70503

Phone: (337) 981-8160

Website: http://www.nacoljewelry.com

Email: info@nacoljewelry.com