Carolina Fine Jewelry Columbia, SC

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Carolina Fine Jewelry
Carolina Fine Jewelry

Carolina Fine Jewelry address, phone, website, hours of operation, and more. Carolina Fine Jewelry has been in business since 1974. Over the years the store has grown into a very competitive high-end jewelry store. We specialize in luxury items rather than necessities, and we appreciate the privilege of being involved in the special milestones in our customers’ lives.

We pride ourselves in our unique inventory and competitive prices. We also offer stellar personalized customer service and a friendly atmosphere. We understand the importance of building relationships with our customers and therefore treat them like family.

The jewelry industry is constantly changing and we strive to stay in the forefront. We are willing to take risks with new inventory and have developed strong relationships with our designers which enable us to go the extra mile for our customers and provide the best the market has to offer.


Address: 4708 Forest Dr, Columbia, SC 29206

Phone: (803) 736-0415

Fax: (803) 736-9703



Hours: Mon – Sat 10:00 am – 6:00 pm