Jarvis Gems and Jewelry Appraisals Dallas, TX

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Jarvis Gems and Jewelry Appraisals

Jarvis Gems and Jewelry Appraisals address, phone, website, and more. Jarvis Gems and Jewelry Appraisals is an independent diamond, jewelry, and fine watch appraisal service providing clients in the Dallas/Fort Worth (DFW) and the Charlotte Mecklenburg area excellent quality, and up-to-date appraisals.

Jarvis Gems and Jewelry Appraisals specializes in jewelry appraisals for reasons such as insurance scheduling, estate distribution, charitable donations, casualty loss, quality confirmation, and sale advice.


Address: 5550 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy Suite 520, Dallas, TX 75240

Phone: (972) 851-0009

Fax: (972) 851-0001

Website: http://www.dallasjewelryappraisals.com

Email: swjarvis@dallasjewleryappraisals.com